Sunday, April 22, 2012

Prolific blogging?

Someone asked me today about the frequency of my blogging. Do I not have other things to do? Well you can imagine that  got me thinking and to shape my thinking and stop me staying put - I write - not bothered if anyone reads it - scary if they are!!

I read Sage Cohen's book The Productive Writer last year - I was sent a free copy which was great. Like performance, productivity is a word I have strongly resisted in the past but now realise can add to life’s satisfactions and well-being. Discipline is also at the heart of it and I am learning this as I watch my daughter become more skilled on the piano – and investigating the value of repetition and deliberate practice. There are transferable findings in all art making and one I am trying to develop. I never learnt that kind of discipline when I was learning the violin when a teenager (too good a sight -reader has its drawbacks) and repetition and practice bored me. Now I wished I had done it and I am hoping it is never too late to learn. If I am to write more than just a few poems ( a book) then I need to write frequently and increase the amount I write each time I sit down.

In the meantime here is a poem I wrote some time ago and stumbled upon when tidying my USB sticks!! I really should devise a system for filing my work!! Also an image of mine from 2007.

Clever Nurse

She was taken out after only five minutes
on the front line. Ambushed by a hail

of bullets fired from her offside.

She had cowered for months behind desks
 and solid chairs. The minute she had dared
peek over the parapet she had been shot down.

Licking her wounds in the quiet
of the graveyard she contemplated

Foucault and Jung.  Wondered where she had

gone wrong and whether there was a way
to press ahead that she could not yet see.

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