Monday, April 23, 2012

Evidence Base

I am running another creative writing workshop for health care practitioners etc in a couple of weeks and I have start thinking about how that type of educational input might be evaluated. I had an email from a writer "down South” asking that question and it has made me realise that there is plenty of anecdote but not much empirical research. Intuitively you know it is a good thing and as I have written elsewhere (Nursing Standard) - students can notice patients and also write about it BUT what we need is sustainable interventions that are part of ongoing supervision and support in clinical practice. Help practitioners keep journals and write about their experiences instead of simply talking themselves round in circles about what didn't go right.

Am going to give this more thought and I think there might be a project in it somewhere for someone to undertake and then disseminate the findings.

Middle Age

Each day get shorter
clocks might go back and forth
but her day just gets shorter.

So much to do, so little to feel
her day shortens each step of the way.

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