Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Spring has sprung

When I received a text from a friend this morning advising me to "enjoy the sunshine" I wondered what she was on about. We had grey skies in the valley and although I could see some rays of sunshine across in Newcastle I was not convinced it would find its way to North Durham. Well how wrong can one be? What a simply glorious afternoon. I walked over to a friend’s house with my daughter’s clarinet (don’t' ask) and enjoyed the first really warm rays on the back of my neck. How the mood changes with the warm sun. Kites were calling from Gibside and there were so many birds calling I got frustrated trying to pick out the species!!

Anyway my mood today is so different to the one last week I don't feel like the same woman. I am trying to make sense of it all and I wonder whether my mood has lifted because I started the week with writing with the fantastic women of Pen and Tonic. I suspect it is the ONLY way to start the week but one I shall have to cling on to as a memory rather than a reality and attempt to replicate the energy and writing for myself, become more self-sufficient in this writing thing.

Anyway if anyone is interested then Tess and Bridget have a wonderful book (hence the session yesterday at Mea House). Highly recommend the book as useful resource for those us interested and doing writing and wellbeing. To find out more go to http://penandtonic.org/

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