Saturday, February 11, 2012

Saturday thoughts

Am on my own this weekend and took the dog for a long walk first thing this morning. Went up the top of the village towards Stanley and encountered a very different view to the usual walk above the Derwent Valley. I got to wondering how long some of the paths might have been there for as those fields must have been worked for hundreds of years. Also how humans have shaped the landscape as some of the mounds must be leftovers from the days when this area was a series of coal mines.

The field I was walking in had a wonderful view of Pontop Pike but it didn't come out very well in the photos as it was so murky.

Met some friends at a very civilised place in Gosforth and it was great to see them.

All 3 were students 8 years ago and my goodness me how time flown since then. I am very impressed with them as they have moved on into very different areas of nursing even though they were all on the same course when I met them. Nursing can be a diverse and liberating profession and has a lot to offer imaginative and brave practitioners but I just wish we stop being horrible to each other. I think I have grown very tired of the back biting and top trumping that goes on.

I led a poetry workshop on Thursday for a very diverse group of people and I realised that I am much much happier when I am drawing on my experience in health care as a facilitator rather than being a nurse. I think I am hung up on what I would call myself if I moved away from the job I have now. I am neither a poet/writer nor an educator /facilitator.
I think I resist titles as I fear it pigeon holes me too much but at the same time If I want to free myself work wise and chase the dream of using poetry and creativity in professional and practice development I am going to have to label myself as something..

Maybe I just need to package it and then see what happens..

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