Monday, May 7, 2012


I haven't been here for a while as I seem to have had no get up and go. I have been running workshops and thinking about my final coaching assignment and that seems to have distracted me from the blog. Anyway if you want to know what I got up to at Cober Hill please see my lovely friend Kate's blog -

I also thought I would include a photo of the our dog and my beautiful daughter for you today as I have not included them before very much as I felt very protective but I stumbled across this photo and felt it was too good to keep to myself.

Off to London next Saturday to talk about writing poetry for/with someone

 I am going on Lizzie's birthday and the idea was that we would have a weekend down in the capital BUT in the end it was too expensive. Lizzie will have a day with her dad and I have promised not to go away on her birthday again. Then again I have explained why am going to talk bout the work I did and she understands why I want to share it. I helped a lady with MS to write a book of poetry - it was exhausting but very rewarding. We had the little collection printed up and published and it was distributed to over 50 people. Sadly she died last September but she was thrilled with her achievement and I believe she died more content than she would have done if we had not worked hard together to write her poems over the year.

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