books were created in response to the outrage levelled at nurses and the
nursing profession following the publication of the Francis report that
investigated the delivery of poor care at Stafford Hospital.
have been thrown at a profession once highly regarded with many commentators
taking it upon themselves to suggest that the move into Higher Education in
1995 lies behind the demise in standards and the moral fibre of how nursing care
is delivered. As someone who has worked in Higher Education since 1996 and thus
my academic career has been alongside these developments I have taken many of
these criticisms personally. Very little has been said about Nurse
educators/Academics in the discussion but the inference is that we are not
doing a very good job of making sure nurses are caring, compassionate and
competent. The reason I moved from clinical practice to education was a belief
that I could have more influence of the way care was delivered by encouraging reflective
practice and learning from the students with whom I came into contact.
standards have slipped in nursing in relation to how we respond to vulnerable
people in their time of need then it is most likely a reflection of a problem
in wider society.
My first
response was to wallow in the iniquity of it all and
that nurse educators do not seem to have a voice in the debate, are rarely seen
in the media and although crucial to the preparation of student nurses are
invisible in the debates.
with my Art Practice I found a way of expressing myself. The request to participate
in The Late Shows at The Lit & Phil in Newcastle provided me with an answer
and has given me an opportunity to be more constructive and creative in my response
to this issue.
creation of these small books has provided me with a way of expressing my
standards and values in general and states them clearly and unequivocally for
others to view.
impetus for these books originates in a lesson I delivered with students
influenced by Theresa Easton's work
with folded books. Senior practitioners in health care, when invited to create a
small book of values and beliefs about their practice, responded with
enthusiasm, skill and commitment. This has led me to believe that this medium
is an accessible and powerful way of people expressing and remembering their
Moral Compass in practice. This is why I also offer passersby to add to this
and create their own Moral Compass on an artist’s
book to take with them as talisman that contains those ideals in and they can
hold on to in everyday life.
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