Sunday, January 20, 2013

Monday, January 14, 2013

Kids and animals

Just passing on information from Animal Action - the kids section of the RSPCA. To help reduce costs and environmental impact they are changing to membership only magazine and a blog with downloads - great stuff


Surprising myself with not upping the anxiety gears!!
Maybe its the marking that has blunted the feelings. who knows
Not sure what to write here but want to keep you posted of any ideas and thoughts.
Turning up and writing makes all the difference - reduces anxiety and puts perspective on so much.
Interesting discussion on Start the Week on Radio 4 about the language of art and business coming together - have to justify creative endeavours with economic outcomes.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

New Year new Blog

Getting on with writing is a resolution for 2013. Lizzie has resolved to do her homework on the day it is set (except Tuesdays when she has Guides) and I am going to write what I talk about - blah, blah

Please see - where I hope it will start developing.

Think it should say "Please!"